The Rajiv Gandhi Government Polytechnic (Formerly Arunachal Pradesh Polytechnic) has been set up under the Technician EducationProject-III of Ministry of Human ResourceDevelopment, Government of India with the financial assistance from World Bank.
The first and one of its kind institution started functioning from the academic year 2002-03 as an autonomous institute of Government of Arunachal Pradesh to generate skilled technicians suitable to the state’s human resource requirement by offering three year diploma programs. The Institute has obtained ISO 9001: 2015 certifications to ensure the effectiveness of the system. It has been taken over by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh w.e.f. 1st July 2007.
The technical education provided here is accessible, innovative and relevant to the needs of the individual, community and the industry as well. The curricula of the different programs have been developed within the approved norms of All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) by the National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research (NITTTR), Bhopal. The academic & examination activities are monitored by the Arunachal Pradesh State Council for Technical Education (APSCTE).
Apart from regular diploma programs the Institute also offers skill education programs through community college scheme of AICTE.. The institute is committed to provide its students state of art technical training with meticulously planned strategic sessions.
The institute campus is located in a sprawling 30 acres of land on the bank of Senkiriver in a picturesque, calm and clean environment conducive for learning and is situated near Dera Natung Government College, Vivek Vihar, Itanagar.
"To become a center of quality learning to develop competent human resource by imparting quality education and training in the field of engineering/technology and management with professionalism, entrepreneurial skills and institutional social responsibility."
Dated Itanagar the 6th August’ 2019
As some faculties have been given charge of HODi/c, the allotment of different portfolios have been annexed underneath and shall be effected w.e.f. 02/08/2019 as per the specified tenure mentioned below. The in-coming incumbents are directed to take charge and out-going incumbents to handover the charges with all papers, files, Registers, Stationaries with immediate effect.
Sl. No |
Deptt./ Section/ Programme |
Portfolio |
Assigned to |
Major Work highlights |
Tenure |
1 |
Academic & Examination |
Chairman |
Mrs. Suwana Mungyak,+919436042810 |
All work related to Academic & Examination |
Three Years |
Asstt. Chairman |
1.Dr. Jitu Saikia (Academic) 2.Sh. Tamo Tado (Exam) |
Do |
2 |
Training and Placement |
Training & Placement Officer (TPO) |
Mrs. Banu O. Dai,+919436050365 |
All works related to Training & Placement of Students |
Do |
Asstt. T.P.O |
Mr. Licha Tath |
Do |
Do |
3 |
Anti Ragging Committee |
Chairman |
Dr. A. K. Tripathy, +917630819166 |
All assigned works as per the Order no. RGPC/Aca-Rag/11/08-09 Dtd. 17/01/11
Do |
Convener & representatives of faculties |
Mrs.Lipi Karso Ete, +919612838447 Mrs Joyir Siram,+918974407803 |
Do |
Do |
Members |
1. Mrs. Ratan Anya, Social Activist & Chairman Oju Mission 2. Mr. Taba Ajum, Journalist 3. Fr. Cyriac, Director, Donbosco Youth Centre (NGO) 4. SP, Itanagar/ representative 5. Mr. Manoj Pangmi Guardian 6. Mr. Dani Nobing, Ex- Student 7. Mr. Path Tayo (1st yr. Civil Engg). 8. Tem Thomas (2nd yr. Civil Engg) 9.Mr. Biraj Pangmi (3rd yr Automobile Engg)
Do |
Do |
4 |
Anti-ragging Squad |
Chairman |
Mr. Tamo Tado ,+919862857125 |
Do |
Do |
Members |
Do |
5 |
Chief Co-ordinator/ Management Representative |
Dr. J. P. Pandey, ,+919862424241 |
All works related to ISO certification, renewal, maintenance & improvement of work system
Three Years |
Members |
1. Mrs. Banu Dai, +919436050365 2. Mrs. Suwana Mungyak 3. Mr. D. Devarasiddappa 4. Mrs Shanti Taring 5. Dr.. Jitu Saikia 6. Mr. Tamo Tado 7 .Mr. Getu Yoka 8. Mrs. Maloni Mena 9 Mrs. Mai Yadi |
Do |
Do |
Right to information (RTI) |
Public Information officer (PIO) |
Mr. Arun Joram,+919402781924 |
All works related to RTI, as per the rules of RTI Act of Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh
Asstt. Public Information Officer (APIO) |
Mr. Bengia Tadey,+919436898306 |
Do- And Act as PIO in case of Leave/ out of station duty of PIO |
Do |
7 |
Sexual Harassment & Redresal Forum |
Chairman |
Mrs. Mrs. Banu O.Dai, +919436050365
Address any issues, general in nature |
Do |
Member Secretary |
Sh. R. K. Mishra,+919862193544 |
Members |
1. Mrs. Suwana Mungyak, +919436042810 2. Mr. D. Devarasiddappa 3. Mrs Shanti Taring 4. Dr. Jitu. Saikia 5. Mr. Tamo Tado 6. Dr. J. P. Pandey 7. Mr. Getu Yoka 8. Mr. N. A Hina |
Do |
Do |
8 |
Women Grievances & Redresal Forum |
Chairman |
Mrs. Suwana Mungyak, +919436042810 |
Address the issues of women related to workplace & create a better environment for working for them
Do |
Members |
1. Mrs. Kago Mariam, +919436439061 2. Ms. Taba Amung. 3. Mrs. N. Dipu. 4. Mrs. M. Mena 5. Ms. Hibu Riniyo 6. Ms. Mary Riba
Do |
Do |
9 |
Internal Compliant Committee |
Presiding Officer |
Mrs. Banu Otem Dai, +919436050365 |
To receive complaint from employees, examine, scrutiny and forward to general grievances cell
Do |
Member secretary |
Mr. Migom Libang, +918974460839 |
Do |
Do |
Member |
1.Mrs Taba Yall Nabam, Hon’ble Councilor Ward No. 5 & Member, Standing Committee. 2.Mrs. Ratan Anya, Chairman, OJU Mission. 3.Mr. Tamo Tado 4. Dr. J. P. Pandey 5.Mrs. Suwan Mungyak 6. Ms. Kamlit Mongchan 7. Mrs. Mai Yadi
Do |
10 |
Institute Industry Interaction (I.I.I) Cell And Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) |
Chief Coordinator |
Mrs. Shanti Taring |
All works related to awareness of I.I.I Cell, EDC & empowerment of students through ED Cell & inter linking through I.I.I Cell |
Three Years |
Asstt. Chief Coordinator |
Mr. Rolin Sorum,+919402484066 |
Do |
Do |
11 |
Campus |
Campus In-Charge |
Mr. Arun Joram, +919402781924 |
All issues and affairs related to campus & Security. |
Do |
Students Affair |
Proctor |
Ms. Ayem Pertin,+919402997940 |
All affairs related to Asstt. students including discipline & welfare |
Do |
Asstt. Proctor |
Mrs Joyir Siram, +918974407803 |
Do |
13 |
Officer |
1. Mr. Rinchn T. Tsumkhapa (Boys Unit),+919402063919 2. Ms. Kamlit Mongchan (Girls Unit),+919774771142 |
All Works related to NSS |
14 |
Hostel |
Warden (Boy’s) |
Mr. Bengia Tadey |
All issues and affairs related to Boys & Girls Hostel
Do |
Asstt. Warden (Boys) |
Mr.Hibu Saa,+918415080516 |
All issues related to Boy’s Hostel |
Warden (Girls) |
Mrs Lipi Karso Ete, +919612838447 |
All issues related to Girl’s Hostel |
Asstt. Warden (Girls) |
Mrs. Kasu Ngupok |
Do |
Do |
15 |
AICTE, MODROBS, NITTTR, MHRD, NEQIP & other Project works time to time
Chief Co-ordinator |
Dr. J. P. Pandey |
All works related to these organizations. |
Asstt. Chief Co-ordinator |
Sh. Getu Yoka,+918258929790 |
16 |
Prospectus/ Magazine Committee |
Co-ordinator |
Ms. Kamlit Mongchan, +919774771142 |
To mobilize all employees to contribute for college Magazine and prospectus. |
DO |
Members |
1. Mr. Dani Nobing 2. Mr. N. Tahar 3. Mr. P. Tatang 4. Mr. Tacha Lusi Sorum
Do |
17 |
NCC (Army Wing) |
1.Liut. Palvinder Singh (Boys- SD),+919862803070 2.Ms. Taba Amang (Girls - SW),+917005021340 |
All Works related to NCC unit of RGGP |
Do |
18 |
Institute’s wi-fi, Website & Internet |
In-Charge |
Sh. Tamo Tado, +919862857125 |
All works related to updatation,, upgradation, modification, incorporations & deletion of information in the college website & maintenance of it & all workd related to wi-fi
Do |
Asstt. in-Charge |
Mr. Dani Nobing, & Mr. Punyo Tatang |
19 |
Student’s Greivances Redressal Committee |
Co-ordinator |
Mr. Arun Joram, +919402781924 |
All issues and grievances related to students. |
Do |
Members |
All HOD/ HODi/c & Section Heads |
20 |
General Grievances & Discipline Committee |
Member Secretary |
Mr. Arun Joram, +919402781924
All issues related to Discipline in campus. |
Do |
Members |
1. Mrs Suwan Mungyak, +919436042810 2. Mrs Banu Otem Dai 3. Mr. Tamo Tado 4. Mr. Migom. Libang 5. Mrs. Joyir Siram 6 .Mr. N. Mali
21 |
Chief –coordinator |
Mr. D. Devarasiddappa, +917005300034 |
All works related to NBA Accreditation |
Three Years |
Executive Member |
HOD( Civil, EEE, CSE, AUE),TPO, & Asstt. Chairman (Aca)
Do |
Do |
Department Representative |
1. Ms. Taba Amang (Civil) 2. Mr. Bengia Taday (EEE) 3. Ms. Corinna M. Norbu (CSE) 4. Mr. Rinchn T. Tsumkhapa (AUE)
Do |
Do |
22 |
Knowledge to Village |
Chief –coordinator |
Mr. Getu Yoka,+918258929790
Dessiminating the trade knowledge to nearby village as social responsibility |
Do |
Members |
1.Mr. Hibu Saa 2. Mr. Nyok Tahar 3. Mr. Rallo Tani 4. Ms. Nabam Reema 5. Ms. Kasu Ngopok 6. Mr. L. Saikia 7. Mr. N. Dachha 8.Mr. Bombahadur Chetry 9. Mr. Dinesh Boroh 10. Mr. Biman Handique 11. Mr. S. B. Pradhan
Do |
23 |
Single Point of Contact (SPOC) AICTE |
Mr. Dani Nobing & Mr. Punyo Tatang |
To co-ordinate with AICTE in regards to Hackathan & such other programs |
24 |
Committee for SC/ST |
Chief –coordinator |
Mrs. Suwana Mungyak, +919436042810 |
To work for the welfare & redressal of grievances if any of SC/ST employees and students |
Do |
Members |
1.Mr. ArunJoram 2. Mr. Tamo Tado 3. Mr. Rinchn T. Tsumkhapa 4. Mr. Getu Yoka 5. Mrs. Joyir Siram 6. Ms. Gabur Taga 7. Mr. Tacha Lusi Sorum 8. Mrs. Nabam Dipu. 9. Mrs. Y. Tamut 10. Mr. Pape Diru 11. Mr. B. Kochang 12. Mr. Rupe Potom 13. Mrs. Takam Yaku 14. Ms. Hibu Rinyo
Do |
25 |
Swachha Bharat Abiyan (RGGP) |
Co-ordinator |
Mr. Palvinder Singh, +919862803070 |
To co-ordinate all activities related to cleanliness and beautification of campus & other SBA activities. |
Do |
1 Mr. Deepak. Das 2 Mrs Rupa Borah 3 Mrs Nami Meena 4 All Mali & Sanitary Asstt. 5 Mr. Jiten Saikia 6 Mr. Delip Chetry 7 Mr. B. Chetry 8 Mrs. Joram Meena 9 Mrs. Dongam Ete 10 Mrs. Bini Nitik |
Do |
26 |
Parents -teachers , Alumuni and interaction committee |
Chairman |
Mrs Banu Otem Dai, +919436050365 |
All works related to the conduction of P & T meeting & Alumni mobilization for helping in the improvement of the Institution. |
Do |
Members |
1.Mrs Suwana Mungyak 2.Mrs. Shanti Taring 3.Dr. Jitu Saikia 4.Sh. Arun Joram 5.Mrs. Ayem Pertin 6.Sh. Licha Tath 7.Sh. Kojum Lollen
Do |
27 |
Baby Sitting Cell |
In-charge |
Mrs. Joyir Siram, +918974407803 |
All works related to baby sitting
Three Years |
Asstt. In-charge |
Mrs. Nabam Dipu |
Do |
28 |
Internal Quality Assurance Cell |
Chief – Coordinator |
Sh. D. Devarasiddappa, +917005300034 |
To ensure the Quality of Academic, Exam and other related areas |
Do |
Member |
Dr. J. P Pandey, +919862424241 |
DO |
Sh. Getu Yoka |
Do |
29 |
Media Cell |
Coordinator |
Mrs. Ayem Pertin, +919402997940 |
To co-ordinate with media for giving coverage to Institutional activities |
Do |
Member |
Ms. Kamlit Mongchan Ms. Corinna Mum Norbu |
Do |
30 |
Innovation Cell |
Coordinator |
Sh. Getu Yoka |
To encourage the students to contribute in innovations. |
Do |
Member |
Sh. Rolin Sorum, +919402484066 Mrs. Joyir Siram |
Do |
31 |
All India Survey of Higher Education (AISHE) |
Coordinator |
Dr. J. Saikia |
All works related to AISHE |
Do |
32 |
Profession Activity Committee |
Chief Coordinator |
Sh. R. Sorum, +919402484066 |
All work related to professional activities |
Do |
Members |
Sh. Getu Yoka Mrs. Lipi karso Ete Mrs. Corinna M. Norbu Mrs. Kago Mariam Ms. Kamlit Mongchan |
Do |
Do |
33 |
Institute Induction Program Cell |
Chief Coordinator |
Mrs. Suwana Mungyak
All works related to Induction Program. |
Do |